This month is auspicious. Guess why?? Birth star of our guruji Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar disciple of Poojya Shree Shree Amma is falling on 16th of May.
We Mahan Brahmashri Gopalavallidasar's young sishyaas are celebrating His birthstar by dedicating this slokam to HIM. Twameva
Mata Cha Pita Twameva, Twameva
Bandhu Sakha Twameva, Twameva
Vidya Sarvinam Twameva, Twameva
Sarvam Mum Dev Deva.
Our guru as FriendFreindship
is a unique relation as a friend shares a special bond. Things we can’t
say to our parents we can easily share with our friends similarly a guru
and shishya shares a special relationship. A guru comes down to the
level of shishya and behaves like a friend. Without any hesitation we
can share our problems with our guru. Our guruji understands us in a
better way than our friends do.
He gives us advice, consoles us and stops us when we go wrong as
a friend does. Often it is seen that a friend betrays the other and even
in the relationship there exist selfishness. But a Guru acts in a
selfless manner and never it has been established that a sathguru has
betrayed a shishya. Friendship is considered as a give and take relation
but in case of Guru-shishya a Guru always pours his grace and the
shishyas can’t do anything in return.So we say our best friend is our
Guruji. |
Our guru as KnowledgeWe
human beings always have a thirst to know about new things. But mere
knowledge cannot give happiness. When you are entangled in an odd
situation you need to know that God is there to save me and will never
let me down. This knowledge is imparted only by a sathguru. So we refer
our guruji as knowledge. A light of knowledge can lit thousands of lamp
same way our guruji has lit our soul which was ignorant in darkness.
Generally it is observed that materialistic knowledge becomes outdated
with new things being invented but a knowledge that a guru imparts is an
eternal one and will come with us for all janmas(births). Guru gives us
the supreme knowledge that we are the children of Lord Krishna and the
goal of our life should be to attain him. One who knows God, knows
everything this is the knowledge a guru gives to shishya. So for us our
guruji is knowledge. |
Our guru as WealthWhat
is wealth? A means by which you can satisfy all your needs. Same way our
guru is a wealth for us. Our strength. Wealth may seem to have a
disadvantage i.e. it reduces each time you use. But guru’s grace is a
wealth that cannot diminish. Wealth can buy only worldly things as it is
said money can buy bed but not sleep. Guru’s grace is a wealth that
can give you peace of mind and happiness which money can’t buy. When
you are in a desert yearning for a drop of water your wealth cannot
bring it but a Guru can bring a downpour even in a desert. Value of
wealth can be measured in terms of dollars or pounds but Guru is
invaluable. People often flaunt about their wealth, our Guru is such a
wealth, which would give inferior complex to others. So why run behind
materialistic wealth? |
for us you are everything. Our life is so beautiful just by your grace.
You transcend all the comparisons we have mentioned above. So for us you are no
less than God!!!
Guruji this is a small way to express our love for you. We know that this is
nothing in comparison to your grace on us. We all feel very proud and blessed to
be your sishyaas.
Feelings and Dedications Of Young Sishyaas
Guruji is like an armour who protects guides and takes care of me. He is
unique,the best and the greatest. All the adjectives fall short to
describe the greatness of my Guruji.
Anuja(20 yrs)
The only light which shows me the path to enjoy the eternal happiness in my life is my Guruji. Anusha(19 yrs) |
My life was a desert and my Guruji
came as a river and enriched me!
Archana(26 yrs)
My guruji who is the antaryami had always helped me to come out from darkness and showered His grace on me I can never forget my Guruji who is the torch bearer of my life.
Chanting brings happiness which money cannot buy, Guruji be my side to remove my pride ,Guruji is like God to me. Gayatri(18 yrs)
Our mind is like a garden which can be cultivated but for me without my Guruji my mind would have run wild. Gayatri(20 yrs) |
Day is lightened only by sun, Night is lightened only by moon, but my soul is lightened only by my Guruji. Janani(19 yrs)
I was tied by a chain called depression. My life was filled with anxiety and tension. My Guruji came as a key and broke the shackles, set me free. Karthik(21 yrs)
Without my Guruji my life would be a lake with no outlet. He is much awaited guide who has instilled a meaning in my dry life. I bow down to my Guruji for all He has done and for all the support He has given to me. Kulasekaran(19 yrs)
For me Guruji is a light. My previous
sins have vanished due to his sight. For me he is not only a Preacher
but a friend, guide and teacher. For all my queries he has a solution I
look upon him as an incarnation.
Praveer (20 yrs)
My Guruji is not a stone found everywhere, But a Gem found very very rare.
Ramya(17 yrs)
I begged for happiness but in vain, then realised only under my Guru's shadow I could gain. Revathy (20 yrs)
People say there are seven wonders of world but I know only one that is my Guruji. Shweta(19 yrs)
Only my Guruji can give the precious gift for the soul. My Guruji has opened my eyes of darkness to light i.e. ignorance to knowledge. Swati(15 yrs)
Life is a tough game to play so you need clues to go all the way, Guru always come to rescue He shows us the path and you need no clues. What He has is magic, my case was totally tragic, to solve life is a tough equation but Guru in life is a simple solution. Tarun(21 yrs)
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The greatness, mercy and power of my Guruji cannot be described in mere ordinary words. According to me the only great supreme power is my Guruji and those who attain and surrender HIM are the most fortunate ones. The only aathmabandhu of mine who is everything for me. Uma(21 yrs) |